In collaboration with a respected spiritual healer, I have created a beautiful, inspiring, 45-minute guided meditation for those who may be hurting and suffering feelings of grief, loss, rejection, anger, bitterness, depression or loneliness. Sometimes one can feel physical symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, mood swings, muscular tension, digestive problems and more, but don't know why... This meditation can help reach the underlying emotional blockages which may cause illness in your body. It offers an introduction to mindfulness, awareness of your breath, awareness of the connection between your body and emotions, and the path toward healing your body, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Studies have shown that practising meditation daily can increase your lifespan up to 10 years. It promotes emotional balance, mental clarity and a peaceful state of mind.
1/ Love Can Heal 45-minute guided meditation
2/ Love Can Heal 30-minute (music only)
LEONIE MACPHERSON (producer and voice)
Leonie has worked for many years as a remedial massage therapist in the complementary health industry. With a qualification in cognitive and behavioural therapy, a passion for singing and creative writing, and an advocate of deep diaphragmatic breathing, she has much experience in the influence that touch, thought, sound, music and breathing have on people’s emotions and mood. She finds singing and writing to be the best catharsis for her own emotional healing but endorses meditation for its ability to calm the mind and nervous system, improving conditions linked to stress such as high blood pressure and insomnia.
EMILIA BONIADIAN (author of meditation)
Emilia is a true believer in the holistic healing approach for your soul level, spiritual, physical, emotional and mental bodies. Energy work is her life’s passion and she is continually learning to help provide wellness for people. She works with you to guide you towards the life you really desire and her energy-healing works with your body systems to release blocked energy, clear your energetic pathways and restore your natural equilibrium. Her work has a deep impact on all levels to help achieve optimum balance including beneficial effects such as relaxation, feelings of peace, security, well-being, and allowing you to vibrate at a higher state of health.
NB - This guided meditation is available in both English and Slovak. Please notify me if you want the Slovak version, otherwise the English version will be sent to you by default.
LOVE CAN HEAL (a guided meditation)
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